Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Different Modes And Types Of Bullying - 1298 Words

An important subject that is affecting a broader amount of people today, especially our youth, is bullying. Bullying is a continuous growing field that is being examined constantly due to its complexity. An important and well known website named stopbullying.com unleashed factual information that helps, as well educates families on this topic: â€Å"In 2014, the Centers for Disease Control and Department of Education released the first federal uniform definition of bullying for research and surveillance †¦ there are many different modes and types of bullying. The current definition acknowledges two modes and four types by which youth can be bullied or can bully others. The two modes of bullying include direct (e.g., bullying that occurs in the presence of a targeted youth) and indirect (e.g., bullying not directly communicated to a targeted youth such as spreading rumors) †¦ the four types of bullying include broad categories of physical, verbal, relational (e.g., efforts to harm the reputation or relationships of the targeted youth), and damage to property.† Nowadays, schools and private assemblies are working together to talk to students and parents to minimize the instances of bullying by persistently educating them on the effects of bullying and actual instances that have happened around the world. The world is evolving rapidly each and every day through research and there still seem to be many questions unanswered but through each experience of bullying there are new questionsShow MoreRelatedThe s School Of Thought1011 Words   |  5 PagesFinally, archetypes, such as particular models of people and behaviours, can influence the actions of bullying vividly, as many types of ideas are present within the unconscious mind that are common to our ancestors (Haskings-Winner et al., 2011). Depending on the circumstances, some of these universal aspects may be expressed more profoundly, which include negative behaviours. In the case of bullying, some of these archetypes may unconsciously influence an individual to bully someone else in the firstRead MoreCyberbullying: The New Form Of Bullying. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

The Consequences of the Economic Development of Polar and...

The Consequences of the Economic Development of Polar and Sub-Polar Regions Although indigenous populations established themselves centuries ago, polar and sub-polar regions of the Arctic and Antarctica have only fairly recently begun to develop. Originally classified as remote regions in the world, where the only activities, which took place, were small-scale fishing and hunting by locals in order to survive, they have become sources of great economic development and prosperity. Due to their proximity to many highly populated countries, Arctic regions have perhaps experienced greater economic development than Antarctic regions. The route of this economic development began during the 17th†¦show more content†¦In 1968, the great quantities of oil and gas discovered beneath Alaska’s North Slope, overlooking Prudhoe Bay, subsequently led to the construction of the Trans-Alaska pipeline to Valdez in 1974. This increased communication links and trade links and therefore brought in vast amounts of money for the economy and until 1990, oil and natural gas still provided 85% of Alaska’s gross state product. As personal wealth and length of leisure time are increasing, people are beginning to seek out new, more exotic locations. For example, tourism in Alaska has become a vital industry, attracting almost 1.1 million people per year. Visitors not only come to view the landscape features, such as its coasts, glaciers and mountains, but also to see its huge variety of wild life (ranging from Brown bears to sea-lions) and for fishing (especially salmon). Such levels of tourism have increased economic development as tourists themselves bring money into the state as well as foreign currency. Tourism is constantly increasing and being developed as the government want to diversify employment opportunities in order to increase the rate of economic growth. Antarctica has similar reasons for economic development, however, on a much smaller scale due to its uninhabitable climate and landscape. The tourism industry isShow MoreRelatedAlaska Oil Drilling1301 Words   |  6 Pagesprioritize profits over social problems such as environmental degradation. An example that sheds light on the conflict between human interests and environmental responsibility is the controversial approval of the oil drilling in the Northern Slope region of Alaska and the drilling that has already began, in the Tar Sands of Alberta. In this paper I will firstly explain the situation regarding why the drilling for oil is up for debate to take place. Secondly I will assess the benefits and the irreparableRead MoreThe Effects of Global Warming4458 Words   |  18 Pagescomplex and the timing uncertain. But while much more research is needed, we know more than before about how we can adapt to the expected impacts and assist those people who are the most vulnerabl e. 2. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Question Free Essays

In an essay I read titled â€Å"To What End Military Power?† by Robert J. Art he looks at how and when force should be used. He suggests that there are four purposes of using forces: defensive, deterrent, compellent, and swaggering. We will write a custom essay sample on Question or any similar topic only for you Order Now Considering their usefulness today. What do you think Art means by his final quote that `The best way to keep the peace is first to prepare for war`? Military power or military assistance is not relevant to America’s policy. Rather military action is secondary even third to military assistance policy. This is due to internal administrative problems such as demilitarization or the commercialization of the military, political subversion, and not direct military attack is not in the official agenda of American military after its experience during Korean War. Globalization, in turn, opens up the door for the American to become vulnerable toward attacks from the global nations. Hence, our defense must be powerful. America is being put into a containment policy and is elevated to its commitment to defend other countries. It is compelling the military use in foreign policy. This policy increases the defense budget because it requires, besides military or defense equipment and accessories, administrative strategic and alliances in the forms of military commitments and military intervention. Question#2 (145 words) What is redundancy and why is it necessary when looking at transformation of the military. Redundancy is to simulate the military administrative structure and functional concepts which was established early in the previous American warfare but with some modification. Some of the redundancies, with a transformation strategy, may include forcible entry of mounted forces, establishment and enhancement of battle command, enhancement of soldiers, platforms, and forces protection capabilities, enhancement of theatre support capabilities, deployment and support infrastructure. In addition, the key functional concepts of the military are the creation of modularity, tailored and multifunction forces that can be rapidly deployed; increasing special operation forces; enhancing explosive ordinance disposal capabilities; enhancing security and protection capabilities; enhancing comprehensive medical diagnostic, prevention and treatment capabilities to the soldiers; increasing effort of counter-terrorism; and deploying support infrastructure as just-in-time soldiers inventory. As part of joint functional concepts, the redundancies require inter-dependencies in terms such as joint battle command, joint fires and effects, joint air and missile defense, joint force projection, and joint containment. How to cite Question, Essay examples Question Free Essays A SAMPLE OF PREVIOUS MANAGING MARKETS EXAM QUESTIONS 1. â€Å"Marketing is just about putting the gloss on the products we provide† Discuss with reference to marketing orientation and the marketing concept. 2. We will write a custom essay sample on Question or any similar topic only for you Order Now You have been asked by the Chief Executive of Frozen Food Manufacturer, Birds Eye, to produce a marketing plan: 2a. Analyse and evaluate macro-environmental factors affecting the plan 2b. Analyse and evaluate customer and competitor issues affecting the plan a. Indicate some possible ways of segmenting the market for mobile phones. Discuss how each approach can be used for marketing decision making 3b. If you were a new player in the mobile phone market how would you go about positioning yourself in the market? 4. You are a market research agency who has been approached by a company who is considering entering the market for MP3 players. Produce a research plan that will help their decision making. 5. How would the marketing mix for a Swatch watch compare with that for a Rolex Watch? 6. Discuss fully which, if any, element of the marketing mix is the most important in the successful marketing for family cars. Fully justify your arguments and conclusions and illustrate your arguments with examples. 7. Discuss fully, giving justification for your arguments, which distribution policies – intensive, selective, or exclusive – would be most suitable for the following products. ) luxury executive cars, b) Levi jeans, c) handmade ladies and gents’ knitwear, d) Omega wristwatches, e) flavoured yoghurt, f) mature farmhouse cheese. 8. A mobile phone company has approached you as marketing consultant to help it increase sales to the youth market. The company has asked you to put forward a promotional strategy. 8a. How you develop the promotional strategy? 8b. What would you consider to be the most important elements of the promotional mix for this target audience? How to cite Question, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Health Care Services Marketing Experience †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Health Care Services Marketing Experience? Answer: Introducation Customers experience and statements adds value to the services of the industries. The statements include the perceptions and thoughts of the customers regarding the received services. These perceptions act as an essential factor for formation of the brand image. The adjectives emotional and economical gains an important position in the contents generated by the customers regarding the received treatment. The actual scenario of the market, places the adjective economical in a higher pedestal than emotional (Berkowitz 2016). This is in terms of the motive to grab hold of the hot seat, which compromises the needs, demands and requirements of the customers within the ambience of competition. Countering this, primary objective of the companies and organizations is the attainment of success; however, it should not be by putting the needs, demands and requirements of the customers as the second priority (Sweeney et al. 2015). All these aspects align with the true essence of the aspect of cu stomer service. This essay speculates the role of the managers of healthcare organizations of Australia. The major drive behind this speculation is to peek into the impact of managerial role on the wellbeing of the customers through the means of delivering quality customer services. The above flow chart depicts the processes after the patient visit the hospital or healthcare centre. This arrival places the patient at the centre of the business. The question mark in the component patient in the system relates to the complications, which the patient is compelled to undergo for receiving quality healthcare treatment and medications. Typical examples in this direction are the formalities, which needs to be completed by putting the signatures in the documents and papers. The next component, availability of the nurse connotes the business processes required for admitting the patient. Delving deep into the interrogation, it takes the attention of the readers towards the instructions of the nurses to wait for their call to meet the doctors and get the required treatment (Kemp, Jillapalli and Becerra 2014). Negligent attitude in this direction might prove fatal for the patient in need of emergency medical treatment and first aid. In view of this perspective, the document al formalities are nullified. On the contrary, consciousness of the nurse towards the provision of emergency services health the wounds of the patients. This consciousness is one of the prime responsibilities of the nurse and the other staffs in terms of achieving customer satisfaction. In fact, employment of one nurse, as the assistant of the doctor helps in studying the suffering and ailments of the patients (Zainuddin, Russell-Bennett and Previte 2013). If one of the nurses record the pulse, other blood pressure and another one, urine and weight, under the supervision of the doctor, the burden of the doctor. Presence of the doctor is essential in these cases for mitigating the errors in taking the history of the patient. Consciousness of this fact helps in delivering the appropriate treatment to the patient, which is the prime objective of the healthcare organizations in order to expand their corporate social responsibility (Kitapci, Akdogan and Dortyol 2014). The real situation of the hospitals and healthcare centers is entirely different. In most of the cases, the patient needs to wait for long time for meeting the doctor. Ultimately when his turn comes, the doctor hardly listens to the requirements of the patients and carelessly prescribes some medicines. In addition to this, these medicines lack quality, which makes the healing process an elongated one. When the family members go to complain, the managers turn deaf ears. This stains their personality and contradicts the inner essence of the term service. This contradiction nullifies the mention of customers in this context. The means of survey and feedback possesses flexibility to upgrade the standard and quality of the healthcare services. However, a systematic approach needs to be revealed by the personnel for the achievement of positive outcomes. Even if the nurses are not on duty, other staffs need to put on duty to look after the needs and requirements of the patients (Amin and Zahora 2013). A customer help desk is an effective example of this. Here, skilled and efficient officers need to be recruited, who would properly convey the needs, demands and requirements of the patients to the higher authorities. The customer care executive needs to be courteous, so that the customers get an assurance of quality treatment and cure. Adopting social media is an effective step in providing quality services to the customers. Uploading the latest activities on the official website and social networking sites makes the customers aware of the steps undertaken by the staffs towards the improvement of their lifesty le. In this context, feedbacks are an initiative towards standardizing the quality of the healthcare services to expand the business horizon. The feedbacks and contents posted by the customers need to be regularly viewed by the personnel (Batalden et al. 2015). This is in terms of bringing innovation in the existing services. Carelessness in this regards creates a negative image in the minds of the customers. All these reflect the positive side of the staffs in terms of enhancing the stability in their relationship with the customers. On the other hand, lackadaisical attitude towards upgrading the quality of the services correlate with the negative side of the term services. It creates fissures in the relationship between the healthcare personnel and customers. Consistency in seeking effective measure to restore the stability compels the patients to switch hospitals, care homes and others. These turnovers provide the contemporary brands with the opportunity to achieve customer satisfaction by delivering quality care and treatment. Failure to adopt innovation in the healthcare services adds vulnerability to the market position of the healthcare organizations. This vulnerability adds uncertainty to the betterment of the patients from their sufferings and ailments (Gountas et al. 2014). Delving deep into the aspect, vulnerability and uncertainty questions the expertise of the personnel in te rms of the pledge that they took to serve the mankind. There goes a saying, Health is wealth. If health degrades, humans become incapable of performing the basic tasks of survival. This incapability necessitates the need for visiting the hospitals, healthcare centers for receiving care and treatment. Receiving ill treatment from the staffs aggravates the complexities in terms of curing the ailments. This ill-treatment stains the relationship making the delivered services vague. On the other hand, revealing kind, cooperative and understanding attitude towards the needs, demands and requirements of the customers adds value to the services provided by the staffs for ensuring the wellbeing of the patients (Hardyman, Daunt and Kitchener 2015). Seeking innovative ways to cure the wounds of the patients makes the staffs a savior in terms of providing them an escape from the sufferings and ailments, which they are suffering. This innovation nullifies the concept of waiting for receiving cure for their illnesses. If the appointments are taken onl ine, much of the time is saved in terms of the formalities, which acts as an obstacle in receiving getting the much needed medication (Minvielle et al. 2014). As a final touch, it can be said that evaluation possesses flexibility in terms of preserving the stability in the relationship with the customers. This preservation itself expands the scope and arena of the healthcare marketing. References Amin, M. and Zahora Nasharuddin, S., 2013. Hospital service quality and its effects on patient satisfaction and behavioural intention.Clinical Governance: An International Journal,18(3), pp.238-254. Batalden, M., Batalden, P., Margolis, P., Seid, M., Armstrong, G., Opipari-Arrigan, L. and Hartung, H., 2015. Coproduction of healthcare service.BMJ Qual Saf, pp.bmjqs-2015. Berkowitz, E.N., 2016.Essentials of health care marketing. Jones Bartlett Publishers. Gountas, S., Gountas, J., Soutar, G. and Mavondo, F., 2014. Delivering good service: personal resources, job satisfaction and nursescustomer(patient) orientation.Journal of advanced nursing,70(7), pp.1553-1563. Hardyman, W., Daunt, K.L. and Kitchener, M., 2015. Value co-creation through patient Management in health care: a micro-level approach and research agenda.Public Management regards creates a negative image in the minds of the customers.,17(1), pp.90-107. Kemp, E., Jillapalli, R. and Becerra, E., 2014. Healthcare branding: developing emotionally based consumer brand relationships.Journal of Services Marketing,28(2), pp.126-137. Kitapci, OAnswer:., Akdogan, C. and Dortyol, I.T., 2014. The impact of service quality dimensions on patient satisfaction, repurchase intentions and word-of-mouth communication in the public healthcare industry.Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences,148, pp.161-169. Minvielle, E., Waelli, M., Sicotte, C. and Kimberly, J.R., 2014. Managing customization in health care: A framework derived from the services sector literature.Health Policy,117(2), pp.216-227. Sweeney, J.C., Danaher, T.S. and McColl-Kennedy, J.R., 2015. Customer effort in value operations activities: Improving quality of life and behavioral intentions of health care customers.Journal of Service Research,18(3), pp.318-335. Zainuddin, N., Russell-Bennett, R. and Previte, J., 2013. The value of health and wellbeing: an empirical model of value creation in social marketing.European Journal of Marketing,47(9), pp.1504-1524.