Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Energy Efficiency in Design & Construction Coursework

Energy Efficiency in Design & Construction - Coursework Example The old and traditional way of constructing building with the help of steel and glass are now considered inefficient after sufficient research in this area and new methods have been developed that can help in saving energy significantly (Rosemary, 2006, p. 5). Among all other sectors, commercial building sector is that sector, which consumes most of the energy. This is because of the ever-increasing number of commercial and public activities that require an increasing amount of heating, cooling, and air conditioning. Furthermore, with the growth of information technology, and the role that it is playing in improved means of communications; it is also adding to be one of the highest energy consuming sources. Ways to go Energy-Efficient! Some of the energy inefficient ways of construction include â€Å"investing in traditional HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning), mercury vapor, or halogen lighting, using glass that does not resist heat loss and the like† (IEECB 201 2, 2012). ... ly and efficiently, installing motion sensors in rooms and offices that would turn off the lights automatically when no one is in the room and the like. Following are some of the energy efficient ways of designing and constructing that can not only help in controlling global warming, but can also save companies and residents millions of pounds (IEECB 2012, 2012). Alternatives to ventilation, heating and air conditioning have been found that give the same effect but consume much less energy. For example, double glazed windows are an amazing alternative to air-conditioning and it stops the heat from outside to enter inside. At the same time, it also acts as an instrument to cut noise. Similar is the case with compact fluorescent bulbs that save a lot energy as compared to their old counterpart, incandescent bulbs. Using thermal envelopes is one of the techniques to keep the heat where it is supposed to be. Thermal envelopes include everything and anything that separate the indoor of th e house from the outside. This includes proper insulation, wall, and roof assemblies, windows and the like (Crosbie, 1998, p. 14). Using wood for making house is extremely energy efficient. The houses made from wood are not only energy efficient, but also they are also long lasting and stable. R-value is an important factor in determining the intensity of insulation. The insulation material with high R-values would have higher heat resistance and thus are more energy efficient. The number of windows and its careful placement also helps in carefully saving the energy and using it efficiently. This is because windows become a medium of losing heat and in a typical house, windows lead to approximately 25 percent of heat loss. Therefore, experts suggest that in an energy efficient house, there

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